Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Day 2 continued...

It was worse than even I could have imagined. These reindeer were unlike any other I had ever seen before and I’m beginning to think this place isn’t the North Pole. The antlers on the “reindeer” were lacking as there were only 2 horn like objects attached to their heads. Also these “reindeer” were a lot more aggressive than I remember the likes of Dasher and gang (with the exception of that incident with Donder and Blitzen). I’m almost ashamed to say what happens next…let just say the antlers on these creatures are pretty sharp and I doubt there will be any sitting in my future. Last thing before I’m whisked away to the daily Elf talent contest, please meet any and all demands. I have to go I think I hear s…………


Anonymous said...

Have you seen the movie Elf?

The Elf said...

is that the movie with Will Farrell?